Thursday, November 16, 2017

Moore isn’t different from his constituents. He represents them.

So what’s all the hubbub about a pedophile running for US Senator from a state that lives off largess the hard-working people from other states, that can’t effectively educate its children, that screams about abortion yet doesn’t protect actual children?

Here are some facts about the “Heart of Dixie” state that gets lost in the blather.

Alabama ranks 4th out of 50 states when comparing what states pay in federal taxes to what they receive back in federal spending per capita.  Alabama gets nearly 150% more federal dollars than they pay in per capita when comparing to other states. 

In Alabama, residents see $2.46 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks third highest in the US. 36.64% of Alabama's state revenue is comprised of federal funds, which is 11th highest in the country.  From

So, if you live, work and pay federal taxes, let’s say, NJ  and your state gets $0.61 per capita for every dollar or CT where that state pays a dollar per capita and gets $0.69 back, you got to say WTF. Especially when Alabama ranks near the bottom of the list of states when protecting its citizens and its citizens' children.  Just throwing good money after bad.

  • Per-pupil spending: $9,563 (14th lowest)
  • High school graduation rate: 75.0% (8th lowest)
  • Eighth graders proficient in math or reading: 19.7% (the lowest)
Nationwide, more than one-third of eighth-grade students were proficient in mathematics. In Alabama, however, less than one in five eighth graders did, the lowest rate nationwide. Alabama children also struggled with reading far more than their peers in other states. Just over 25% of eighth graders were proficient in reading, less than in all but three other states. Like other poorly-rated state school systems, adults in Alabama also tended to have lower incomes. Just 44.5% of working-age adults had incomes at or above the national median, one of the lower rates. Poor test scores, in addition to low statewide incomes, likely made pursuing higher education more difficult for many young Alabamians. While 55.1% of American young adults were enrolled in or had completed a post-secondary program, less than half of 18-24-year-old Alabama residents had, one of the lower rates. From

Alabama is among the worse states to give birth to a child. Comparing infant mortality rate to infant mortality worldwide, If Alabama were a country, its rate of 8.7 infant deaths per 1,000 would place it slightly behind Lebanon in the world rankings.  (From Washington Post) Geez, if I were a Muslim, I would want to be banned from Alabama.

So, not only does Alabama rank among the worse states in infant deaths, Life expectancy compared to the rest of the country is not so good.  
Rank            (out of 51)
Life Expectancy, All
Life Expectancy, White
Life Expectancy, African American
(in years)
(in years)
(in years)
(From Wikipedia)
The average American lives to 79. That’s almost 4 years longer than the average Alabamian. So, make a note, don’t retire there.

Racism Now, Racism Tomorrow, Racism Forever
Just wanted to borrow from the famous George Wallace quote to subtitle this last section.

Here are the final facts I wish to share. Not only do the people of Alabama continue to venerate the racist slaveholding traitors of the Confederacy with their State flag and statues around the state, they honor Nazis in their public spaces – here is a clip from a NASA website (that's right NASA)

Here's a clip from Google
Some would argue, oh he really wasn’t a Nazi but the facts tell another story. He acknowledged he was a member of the Nazi party. He supervised a weapons of mass destruction program (the V2 rocket) that terrorized England, killing tens of thousands of Brits (our ally). Plus, that weapons program was reliant on concentration camp slave labor - funny, birds of a feather........

In an email from NASA historian Bill Barry, he recommended reading von Braun's official NASA biography. It doesn't gloss over his Nazi past or the issue of slave labor. It's fair. But there's more. One prisoner at the concentration camp testified in 1995 that von Braun ordered prisoners at the camp to be flogged (beaten) after an assassination attempt, and watched on as prisoners were hanged from cranes, according to the book Dark Side of the Moon: Wernher von Braun, the Third Reich, and the Space Race. There are other accounts that suggest this was not von Braun's order. From

Whether it was his orders or not, blood is on his hands – yet the people of Alabama honor him with busts and buildings. 

Face it. Judge Moore isn’t different from his constituents. He represents them.