Never (I hate using such an absolute but somebody prove me wrong) in our history has a major political party been so complicit with a foreign power in the undermining of our democracy – until now. Which Party you ask? The Republican Party
The only historical reference that comes close is the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) and the support, monetarily and otherwise that the Kremlin provided ole Gus Hall and his commies from the 1930s to the 1990s. Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave. Funny, now the good ole GOP is sucking on the same Kremlin teat.
How has the party of Lincoln, T Roosevelt, and Eisenhower, have taken such a turn?
The Kremlin is calling the shots for the Republican Party now. Who do you think bailed Trump out when he didn’t have a pot to piss in? Why do you think that nearly every major appointment to the Trump administration has ties to Russia and the Fossil fuel oligarchs? Why do you think it took 18 days to fire that dog, Flynn? Why do you think that the appointment of a special prosecutor is being blocked by Commissar McConnell?
Answer: Because the Kremlin today and the GOP of today are cut from the same cloth, have the same goals, want the same things. I know some readers right now are saying bullshit but here goes:
- Very Pro fossil fuel – gas, coal, oil
- Very Anti-gay – North Carolina wishes they could have the anti-gay statutes that Russia has
- Very anti-free press – Trump wishes he could kill journalists like Putin does
- Both hate Western Europe for a variety of reasons
- A pathological hatred of non-Christian citizens (Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, atheists, Hindus etc)
- An extremely high tolerance for the fascists, Nazis and racists
- A low tolerance for human rights, geez, we just had a woman convicted of disrupting that douchebag Sessions confirmation hearing because she laughed!
Folks, we are watching a slow roll coup by a bunch of traitors. I hope you like borscht with your apple pie.